dilluns, 4 d’abril del 2016


Crèdit de Síntesi : NUTRICIÓ 

Contaminació i taller SUCS VERDS 

  1. 25, 26 I 27 de febrer: 






Obesity is a seriuos problem worldwide. Some countries have high numbers of people facing this problem.

Obesity is a problem for the new generations. According to the OMS, bad nutrition habits and sedentarism are the main causes for this increase, making the problem be a world epidemic illness.

Small daily things and actions which many people do several times a day are the main reason for gaining weigh. Other reasons are related to having an unbalanced diet with too much fats and plain sugars, to sedentarism and lack of physical activity.

All these habits can be modified, then, if the solution is just changing our habits, why is the problem getting worse?

The key answer is PREVENTION. Many countries have already adopted this tactic by organizing educational strategies and programs that focus, not only on identifying the problem, but also and most importantly on making people aware and therefore on changing bad habits. 

So as to understand how this works, we have to know what an aliment is.


An aliment (food) is all that which the living beings eat and drink so as to live. Food is made of chemical substances that have specific functions in our organism, and these substances are called nutrients.

Depending on the outstanding nutrient, we can classify food into 3 different categories:

  a. Food with a high percentage of carbohydrates (to extract immediate energy)
     Among the energetic food we find: bread, toasts, biscuits, pasta, rice, cereals, potatoes,…

b. Food with a high percentage of fats (as reservoir of  energy).

    Some examples are: oils (olive oil, sunflower oil, palm oil,…), butter, margarine,…Also, dried fruits such as almonds, chestnuts, peanuts, ….

  Constructors or plastic:              

Food with important amounts of proteins.

Among their functions we find the plastic, structural  or constructive. These are a part of the body structures and provide with the material needed for the growth  and repair of the tissues and body organs. These are present in muscles, in skin, in nails and hair, also in bones, tendons, ligaments, … 
These also have the important function of regulating: they regulate the the activity of the cells. Some hormones have protein nature (insulin and growth hormone are some) 

Another function is related to the immune system and therefore to the body defenses (antibodies,…) Some examples are:  milk, yogurt, cheese, fish, meat, eggs… (as animal proteins) and beans (as vegetal proteins)

  • Regulators:

Food with a high dose of vitamins and minerals.

The main products are fruit and vegetables, with high doses of vitamins and minerals and these are also sources of water and fibre, which benefit the digestive system for a proper function. That’s why eating fruit and vegetables is so important.

Some of the benefits of regulators are: vitamins (C, beta carotenes, folic acid and others in group B), minerals such as magnesium and potassium, mainly if they are eaten raw and fresh.

Fruit is sweet because it has got a quantity of sugar, mainly fructose , and this makes them differ from vegetables. 

Olives, coconut and avocado are also fruits, but these contain more fats than many other fruits,

Balanced dishes:

A. Dish that combines 3 groups of food:

  • Pasta: energetic food which provides carbohydrates.
  • Fish: constructor or plastic food, salmon provides proteins and omega 3, good for our body.
  • Green beans: provide vitamins, minerals and fibre.
  • sauce: this extra food provides proteins and small quantity of fat (as it contains dairy products)

B. Dish with nuts, salad and mussels:
  • nuts: provide the body with healthy fats which help to regulate cholesterol. These are a good alternative to proteins and lipids from animal origin.
  • salad: energetic (toasted bread), so it provides energy through the carbohydrates, constructor (ham) with proteins and fats, regulator (lettuce) that provide vitamins, minerals, fibre and water.

Physical Activity:

To practice physical activities has a lot of positive effects in our organism, so we consider these benefits as follows:


Considering health, we can’t forget that physical activities are necessary. 
Some activities which are highly recommended may be classified  into different groups:

SPORTS:          FOOTBALL, VOLLEYBALL,…                      





The recommended amount of a physical activity of medium intensity can be: 3 times a week, for 60 minutes.

The average amount and intensity of physical activity when considered a leisure activity can be: 5 times a week for 30 minutes.

We may find different kinds of teenagers who do different things: 

  • some never practice sport and sit in front of the computer for many hours, watch TV a lot and uses facebook in the free time,…

  • others who are more sportive: go to school by bike, practice sport regularly, usually in teams, may take the dog for a walk as a break, goes hiking with the family at weekends,…

You can be in a group or in the other, or maybe in between, but improving is not so difficult!!!



Teenagers’ life is full of different daily activities:

  • School and extra school activities, sport among them
  • In order to study, they require concentration and responsibility
  • Meetings with friends: need to be accepted
  • Biological changes: the body changes and the hormones are very active, so their body need vitality and energy.
  • Sedentary time: many hours sitting when studying or at the computer, either for work or for leisure
  • Outside pressure: need to have a perfect body: this sometimes implies skipping meals and risk of anorexia.


  • Family: teenagers start to feel the need to get independent.
  • First loves.
  • Friends: need to belong to a group, to be accepted.


  • Many exams, responsibilities and stress : the nervous system works full speed.
  • Very usually teenagers don’t sleep enough.
  • desire to feel more mature


The only way to have a healthy teenager is to care about the 3 bodies, as they are all extremely important.

We need to consider the following:

  1. SOME IMPORTANT FOOD : to have a balanced and complete diet with:
  • wholemeal cereals
  • vegetable protein
  • animal protein
  • green vegetables
  • sweet vegetables
  • a small portion of algae, sprouts, 
  • fermented food
  • pickles 
  • seeds
  • dried fruit

B. COOKING METHODS:  the best cooking methods are: vapor, sautéed, boiled, oven, grilled or raw.

C. COLORS: A plate must be colorful because this means different proprieties. 

D. SEASON OF THE YEAR: Not all the seasons need the same kind of food because the activities vary      


Here we have some questions we should ask ourselves:

  • Is the food we eat ecological?
  • Is the food we eat local?
  • Do we eat seasonal food?
  • Do we add some food-medicine from other countries?
  • Do we eat wholemeal natural cereals?
  • Do we eat vegetable proteins?

The good healthy answer should be YES for all of them.



And the worst af all has been the introduction of refined sugars and others, many coming from far away and out of the natural cycle season.

We must control what we eat because everything we eat turns into our own blood


  • Pre cooked industrial dishes such as ready made pizzas,…
  • Refined sugars such as packed pastries and candies.
  • Refined cereals such as white bread, white pasta or white rice.
  • Too much dairy products: mainly milk ( not many yogurts or similar)


Another main subject to consider is the atmospheric pollution. This problem is growing and as a consequence there are more illnesses and modern pathologies which didn’t exist some years ago. Some of the causes are acid rain or traffic contamination.

Nowadays, people are 1000 more times exposed to environmental toxins  (water, dyed fabrics, medicines, tobacco, industries, transport) and heavy metals (mercury in our dental parts, cosmetics,…) than people who lived in the 19th Century.

Some natural choices could be adopted instead of taking a pill for every single symptom. For example, one could try having breaks and relax for a while when studying or working, we should listen to our body, know our body and understand it, and try to change some bad habits so as to find a healthy solution to some pains.

Heavy Metals:
these are extremely unhealthy for ur body, as they get stored in our brain, our kidneys, liver, immune system, eyes and breathing system. Metals go to our blood and store in our cells of our fat tissues and bones, so these parts become containers of  polluted waste and this spreads for our whole body. 

Some of the environmental polluters are:

CO2  Carbon Dioxide : it comes from industries and the global warming problem.
SO2  Sofre dioxide: from cars and smog: these produce allergies and other illnesses.
N2O, NO, NO2 : Nytrogen Oxides , from car engines
CO: Carbon Monoxide, which makes us feel tired.
Lead: In paints, water, food, drinks, cheap cosmetics, computers, old pipes, old coffe pots, some jewelry, hair dyes,… which produce tiredness, headaches, sleeping disorders, anemia, hipercolesterol, constipation, behavior disorders, hyperactivity and hypertension.

  • BE PRO ACTIVE (use eco transport such as bikes, walk more, being sustainable.


  • Improve our heart beat
  • Constant breath rhythm  
  • Better oxygenation
  • Betterreturn circulation
  • Better muscular resistance, energy and tonifying process
  • Dicrease Osteoporosis cases
  • Improve constipation
  • get a balanced weigh
  • stimulate our senses
  • better immunologic system
  • Dicrease cholesterol
  • dicrease sugar levels
  • Increase serotonin levels
  • Improve self esteem and decreases agresivity.

WHEN WE START A PRO ACTIVE LIFE AND USE SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT, we will become more aware about our daily lifestyle, and consequently, our health will improve.

We can start now, but we can do something else to clean our body too:


Algae Chorella: (CN Base + CN2): this algae has been proved to clean our body of metal

Green juices: the following two juices will help you as a detox starter point 8together with the above algae)



  • a floret of broccoli
  • 5 small branches of parsley
  • 2 small branches of  celery
  • 1/2  cucumber
  • a bunch of spinach
  • 1/2 lemon
  • a table spoon of espirulina or clorella algae

First, clean all the ingredients with water, drain and dry them with a piece of cloth.  Then, cut in small pieces and put them in the slow juicer (except the algae), add the algae, mix and drink immediately.


BROCCOLI: it is known as an anticancer food. It has antioxidant proprieties which help to eliminate toxins, free radicals and uric acid. It’s rich in vitamin C, which benefits the immune system. It contains substances which have an important function when stimulating the thyroid (therefore, if one has problems with this, broccoli shouldn’t be eaten). It is a good friend for bones as it contains high doses of calcium and magnesium. It has folic acid, so it is good during pregnancy. It also helps to improve anemia because it is rich in iron. Finally, it is also good for skin and hair.

PARSLEY: It has vitamins K,C and A, minerals and antioxidants. then, it is good as anticancer, anti thrombosis and anti-inflammatory.

CELERY: this vegetable eliminates the acidosis caused by diabetes. It has a lot of water, few calories and a lot of fibre. It also contains vitamins and minerals. It is diuretic, it improves headache, dizziness and nervousness. It improves acne, reduces blood pressure and is good for articulations, arteries and bones. People with kidney problems shouldn’t eat much celery, as the oxalates it contains might cause stones in the kidneys.

CUCUMBER: This ingredient adds fibre, betacarotene, silicon and chlorophyll  to the juice. These benefit the cells by making them more flexible, also by making nails, hair and skin stronger and by improving constipation.

SPINACH: This has big amounts of water and fibre and very few calories. Rich in vitamins A and C and those of B group, specially B9 (folic acid) which stimulates the immune system. This also contains vitamin K, minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and iodine. Spinach improve chronic fatigue as they are rich in coenzyme Q10.

LEMON: this helps to stimulate bile secretions, which helps in the metabolization of fats. It also benefits the heart, mainly when suffering arteriosclerosis or high blood pressure. It is also good for gout because it  dissolves crystals. It has high amounts of vitamin C, necessary to fix iron in the bones. It is antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral , which improves the work of the breathing system, throat ache, hoarseness or tonsillitis. It also has alkaline effect in our organism.

ALGAE CLORELLA: very rich in chlorophyl, this helps to eliminate heavy metals and toxins in the body, improves constipation and colitis,  halitosis and sportive performance.

ALGAE ESPIRULINA: This improves sportive performance too as well as the muscular recovering; it strengthens the immune system and helps in the elimination of toxic substances in our body, it purifies and cleans blood.  

  1. 7 de març
buidar aquest recompte sumant les racions de fruita, làctics, verdures, fregits ..... (falta l’original).

3. 14 de març
Visita a la fundació Alícia i  dos tallers: 
  • No arribo, que menjo, on uns cuiners/nutricionistes els van ensenyar a fer 4 plats senzills, 
    • Un puré amb patata i pastanaga bullides al microones, decorat amb crostons artesanals
    • Un salmó al vapor sobre un llit de salmó al vapor
    • Quinoa amb verdures bullides
    • Mongetes saltejades
    • Un postre de iogurt amb fruita

Després els alumnes havien d’agafar aliments d’entre una gran varietat i elaborar un màxim de tres plats. Van sortir moltes idees, Havien de practicar diferents maneres de cuinar i també preparar un postre.. 
Finalment ho havien de netejar tot i provar el que havien fet.
  • Crema calories, on els alumnes feien 4 activitats diferents: jugar a Mikado, córrer, caminar o saltar durant 5 minuts. Passat aquest temps es calculava quantes calories havien gastat cada un i quina quantitat d’avellanes o enciam  necessitaven menjar per compensar l’energia gastada en cada cas. 

  1. 15 de març
Visita a la fàbrica de formatges “Manudells”, on ens van ensenyar i explicar tot el procés: des de l’entrada de la llet fins a la venda del formatge. 

  1. 16 de març
Explicacions teòriques sobre dieta equilibrada, piràmides alimentàries, com fer un esmorzar, dinar, berenar i sopar equilibrat. Concepte de fer exercici, esport, activitat física. 

5. 17 de març
Visita a l' empresa “Casabella d'Olvan, ” on van veure com preparen els diferents productes: melmelades, purés, etc.

  • També es van fer curses d’orientació
  • Taller per aprendre a fer melmelada i nocilla

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